Mouth Cancer


Mouth Cancer, Camden Place Preston

Mouth cancer is not something you hear about as regularly in comparison to other cancers, such as breast cancer and skin cancer. But, mouth cancer is equally as common and equally as dangerous.

Mouth cancer, or oral cancer, can affect the lips, tongue, cheek and throat, and it can affect anyone. In general, oral cancer is more common in those over the age of 40 and in particular men, but there are increasing numbers of the disease affecting younger patients and more women.

It is important to note that even though mouth cancer is not as widely heard of it is still a very serious disease and can cause death if not diagnosed and treated early enough. Therefore, visiting your dental practice is so important. Those with oral cancer have a higher chance of dying than those with melanoma skin cancer or cervical cancer.

What can cause mouth cancer?

Mouth cancer cases are usually linked to:

  • Tobacco use – cigarettes, cigars, pipe smoking and other traditional forms of tobacco use including chewing tobacco.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Sun exposure – when done excessively this can increase the risk of cancer of the lips.
  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection.

What are the symptoms of mouth cancer?

  • Mouth ulcers that do not heal within several weeks.
  • Lumps within the mouth that are unexplained and will not go.
  • Lumps in the neck which are unexplained and will not go.
  • Numbness on the lips or tongue which is unexplained.
  • Looseness of teeth or sockets that do not heal after extractions.
  • White or red patches in the mouth lining or tongue.
  • Changes in speech, such as a lisp.

Mouth cancer can be spotted in its early stages by your dentist during a mouth examination, that’s why it is important to visit your dentist on a regular basis when they recommend an appointment.

There are a couple of ways to treat mouth cancer including surgery to remove any cancerous cells, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

If you are concerned about mouth cancer or are worried you may be suffering from the symptoms of mouth cancer and want to book an appointment at Camden Place Preston, then please contact us or call us on 01772 556 050 to speak to our team.
